This piece was created at MassArt, picking a time, a feeling, a place, and a food, and determining a 5-color scheme for each. I chose: 9am on a Sunday, the feeling of sitting in a park, Spain, and oatmeal. For 9am on a Sunday, I chose colors that showed the golden light on the honey-colored wood floor of my living room. To convey the feeling of being in a park, I experimented with color mixing, working to suggest calmness and tranquility. Olive Green mixed with 20% French Grey creates natural colors, warmly greyed down to express peace. 
My place was Spain. Coral and orange show the liveliness of the culture. Blue is the vivid blue of the night sky, yellow is the sun and the greyish color is the color of the beautiful old buildings. Together these colors give a perfect feeling of a trip to Spain. For my food I chose oatmeal, my usual school-day breakfast. My colors capture the overall feel of the oatmeal: the comforting warm taste, the muted feeling of eating it while still half-asleep.
Color Schemes

Color Schemes
